Sunday, February 26, 2006

Is my Mind So Hard to Follow?

Am Happy...Effervescent is the better word. I won't say much (nobody's reading anyway but ... you never know...) suffice to say I adore people. Certain ones in particular.'s such a nice way to feel. I say that I don't do "nice". Well, today, for the moment, I have shed my ?-ishness.
There are people in the world who are like me. I don't seem to experience that so very often. (Leading to the conclusion that I am a unique shape of puzzle piece.) Then when I find it...hoooohhh...passion. I ponder this. Before, I feel like something is so wrong with me. During, I'm just ultra excited. After, I feel so frikkin NORMAL!!! It's glorious!
I think that I think it's okay that there aren't more ppl like me in more ways. But I wish they were sometimes, and I think LESS of people who aren't as ... whatever I am in some ways. (Honestly I probably think LESS of most people in general than I do of myself. It's just so.) How's that for vagueness. (I'm getting at what you value being diff from me, not for example what color you like, team you root -rhymes with foot- for, political party you stand behind, etc.) But at the same time I'm not sure I should think that way, and I'm sure I should value them who they are. Okay here we go. So I do value them, speaking as humans. Just as potential relationships, I don't. Smooth.

It's so funny to me how some can tell me I really do not know how to express myself (so I wonder if I have anything worth "expressing" in the first place??)...but when I'm around these types I get along with and rarely find, I have no trouble at all, my mind is clear (okay unless they're distractingly male) and I feel satisfied after talking to them! Wow!


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